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The Cornish Steam & Country Fair 60th

Writer's picture: Duchy Capri ClubDuchy Capri Club


Members Mark (myself), Steve, Carl, John, Bernie, Lee, Craig & Sabrina all braved the weather at 7.30 to set up our Club Stand. Brave the weather was an understatement, after constant rain for most of the day the rally field was waterlogged. We moved position to the top of the field where it was slightly less wet. With the Club stand all up, the next challenge was getting out of the field, gently did it. So we all departed pondering what the weekend would bring, although the forecast looked promising.


An early dry start, with help from Julie I managed to get both of my Capri’s on the stand by 9.00. Bernie bought his 3.0S, although Mr S could have done with a clean! Friday is always a fairly quiet day, so we (myself and Steve) took the opportunity to have a look around. Friday evening 3 more cars arrived on our stand, Steve’s Capri 2.0S, Johns Capri 2.0 and Lee’s Escort RS Turbo S2. By now the field had dried out quite well ready for the busy weekend.


After a crap year weather wise, it was a pleasant surprise to wake up to a bright and sunny day. We were joined by 5 more cars a total of 11 for the day, Craig & Sabrina RS1600i, Carl & Sally Capri Mk1, Kevin Capri 2.8 Special and a couple of guest cars, a Mk1 Transit and a Escort XR3i, both we hope may join our Club. We had a lot of interest in our cars, with many people commenting on the mix of Fords on display. Saturday evening myself, Steve, Craig & Sabrina went down to the beer tent expecting Johnny Cowling to be on stage, unfortunately he wasn’t there. There was however 4 Show engine’s parked outside which looked great in the dark, sheaf pitching and a live band and of course a few beers.


During Saturday both my and Steve’s mobiles died so we had no idea of the time. So when I woke on Sunday, it was light so I got up, went for a wash and a walk and finally bump into a member of the Austin 7 club who said it was 5.35 (I need a new watch me thinks) We were joined by another 5 Cars Robert & Linda Capri 2.0 Laser, Winston Capri 2.8inj, Gary and family Sierra XR4i, Pete and family Capri 280 Brooklands Cosworth and Tony with his Mk2 Cortina, a total of 16 cars. There was loads to see and do with Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Tractors, Steam, side stalls, auto jumble and a lot more. We did line up for the car parade but the Steam decided to move around and with the long wait our cars were getting hot so we pulled out. Another show over again! A big thank you to car secretary Jason Goss.

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