An early start for this one as we left Chiverton Roundabout Services 07.30.
Members Mark, Chris, Ian, Jerry, Martin, Paul & Shirley and Adrian with his daughter Carrie rocked up to Watergate Bay for the 2nd Hill Climb.
Unlike most hill climbs this was held on a public road over ½ a mile long, with around 60 competitors doing 4 runs, we were in for a great day!
There was a good showing of Fords with Escort Mk1’s, loads of Escort Mk2’s, 1 Anglia and a Focus.
Jerry was getting itchy feet asking a marshal about hill climbing – so we may well see the black RS2000 sprinting up the Hill next year!
On the 3rd and 4th runs, cars were pushing hard and there were one or two incidents - but luckily no one was hurt.
The racing finished around 5.00pm and we left shortly after, by 6.00 the road was open to the public again.
I was up there the next day and apart from the odd bit of hay and the occasional skidmark you would never know what a great day we had on Sunday – Well done to all the organisers and Marshals for an excellent day.